Although I posted my own reflections on our workshop with Christylez, I really wanted to have some of the girls give their opinion of what happened. To this end, I had a conversation with Milan as we were leaving Chispa, to find out what she thought.

Gabrielle: So what did you think about the workshop?
Milan: It was neat.

G: Did you learn anything?
M: A little bit. Some of the sounds I knew already and some of them I learned from my sister.

G: Oh ok. How did you feel before and after the workshop?
M: Before I was feeling hurt, cuz of my knee (Milan plays basketball and injured her knee when she fell on it the wrong way) But afterwards I felt energetic and I wanted to do more.

G: That’s great! Would you want to do it again? Learn more beatboxing? Or maybe just work with Christylez more?
M: Yes I’d like to do more work with Christylez.

G: Oh ok. What do you think about him?
M: I think he’s cool. If he was a close friend of my parents I’d hang out with him everyday.

G: Hahaha! Ok. And what do you think about YWDEP?
M: I think it’s cool. I like how we’re not staying in one place, that we do different things and go on field trips. I did this other campe where we didn’t go anywhere and it was boring.

G: I’m glad you like them =) And what about our performance? How do you feel about that?
M: I think it’ll be cool. But sometimes I’m a bit shy so I’ll have to work on that, so I can go on stage and speak and stuff.

So there you have it! This Saturday we’re going to be learning some hip hop dance with Simone Jacobson; hopefully the girls will be just as favourably impacted by her work.

NB: Chispa is an event where a diverse group of artists/organisers share what they’re working on in 6 minutes. This quarter’s meeting was held on Thursday at the Fridge (in Eastern Market) and YWDEP went to check it out.

Milan playing the dununs

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